TA Pathways

Course library

TA Pathways consists of 8 ready-made learning pathways for core TA development. These pathways are certificated by the Univerity of Buckingham. TAs also have access to a library of 65 courses to further their knowledge in all areas.

The use of TA pathways has enabled staff to develop at their own pace and according to their own needs and interests.

St. Anthony’s School

Pathways for TAs

Essential TA

Advanced TA

Classroom management

Essential pastoral care


Essential inclusion

Advanced inclusion

Introduction to leadership

Full TA library

All TAs can also choose from all 65 courses available in their course library.

Active Questioning

Active Reading

Assessment for Learning: TAs


Beat Bullying

Being Resilient

Child Protection

Code of Conduct

Communication at Work

Compassionate TA

Effective Communication

Effective Meetings

Equality and Diversity

Family Issues

Fire Safety

Gender Equal Classroom

Grammar for Writing

Guide to Grammar

Health and Safety

International: TA

Learning Needs

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Classroom

Managing Behaviour

Managing Your Time

Managing Yourself

Medical Conditions

Mental Health

Online Safety

Positive Behaviour: TAs

Positive Classroom

Preventing Radicalisation

Primary Geography

Primary History

Primary Maths

Primary PE

Primary Science

Promoting Inclusion

Racially Equal Classroom

Reading and Phonics

Reading into Writing

Resilient Leaders

Role of the Key Person

Safe Information Handling

Social Needs

Socially Inclusive Classroom

Speaking and Listening: TAs

Step Up Maths

Stress and Wellbeing

Supporting EAL Learners

Supporting HPA Students

Supporting Literacy: TAs

Supporting Numeracy: TAs

Supporting SLCN: Early Years

Supporting SLCN: Primary

Talk for Learning

The EYFS Framework

Trauma and ACEs

Understanding ADHD

Understanding Autism

Understanding CSE

Understanding Dyslexia


Working as a TA

Working with Others

Working with Parents

For more information on pricing for your school or on how to get started, please get in touch.

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